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Some email subscriptions are like foodcourt pizza.
They seem like a good idea…

But after a few bites, you feel oily, bloated and filled with regret.

I promise not to bloat your inbox or leave a foul taste in your mouth. I prefer my readers to be filled with cheeky satisfaction like they just ate the last piece of chocolate cake at a party and no one noticed. (Yep, I saw you hiding over there, little sneaky fingers, covered in crumbs.)
chocolate cake
Get the jump on your competitors with some sweet content advice.

A little about me

Hi, I’m Kara, your Australian fitness copywriter. 

I help fitness, health and wellness businesses make their brands heard. From writing epic sales pages to making your content SEO friendly, I’ll get your words working for you.

A healthy living nerd, you’ll often find me getting bendy doing yoga or lifting weights in my garage gym when I’m not strolling my local beach on the stunning Mornington Peninsula.

Want to chat about the best way to market your brand? Shoot an email through to and I’ll get back to you soon!

Kara Stokes holding a tablet, wearing a blue and floral pink jacket